Active Development of New Teaching Methods
The primary and secondary education sector briskly pushes forward the development and introduction of new teaching methods which help pupils become active learners and pursuers and acquire useful knowledge and abilities.
The schools in Pyongyang and other parts of the country direct efforts to applying advanced educational technology to create development-, quest- and debate-oriented teaching methods which help pupils think, pursue and practice by themselves.
The leading officials of Changdok School and Moranbong Secondary School No. 1 take the lead by stimulating their teachers’ creative zeal with the standpoint that various advanced teaching methods should be developed and introduced to train their pupils into creative talents of high practical abilities and definite individualities.
In keeping with the ever-mounting enthusiasm of teachers, the Central Intensive Instruction Training Center strains every effort to complete and generalize the instruction design for the teaching methods to be introduced to primary and secondary schools.
On the other hand, many primary and secondary schools make substantial efforts to create and steadily improve the teaching methods conducive to raising the intellectual and application abilities of pupils to keep abreast with the developing reality.