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Construction of Teachers Training Colleges and Universities of Education under Full Swing

Upholding the decision of the plenary meeting of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, different provinces are stepping up the construction of teachers training colleges and universities of education.

The Central School Renovation Guidance Group collects reports on the progress of the construction of teachers training colleges and universities of education on a regular basis, and intensify guidance and assistance to stepping up the projects as scheduled.

Under the guidance of provincial Party committee, each of the provinces is directing great efforts to building its teachers training college and university of education at the highest standard as befitting pedigree establishments for education of rising generations.

The officials of provincial Party committees and provincial people’s committees ensure energetic planning and guidance by giving priority to organizational and political work and keeping the supply of materials abreast with the construction process.

North Phyongan Province dynamically stepped up the construction of Sinuiju Teachers Training College by enlisting all forces and tapping all potentials in the province, and thus, has completed its construction this year, and the opening of the college is now near at hand.

Having set the high goal of completing the construction of Wonsan Ri Su Dok Teachers Training College within this year, Kangwon Province conducts meticulous economic and organization work for its implementation, concentrating the strong building forces and means on it.

As a result, 90 % of total construction work has been done.

North Hamgyong Province, which pushes forward several projects for Chongjin O Jung Hup University of Education, has completed the framework of its Gymnasium, and is now carrying out interior plastering and roofing, while stepping up the framework of its dormitory. On the other hand, South Hamgyong Province is accelerating the construction of Hamhung Choe Hui Suk Teachers Training College at the final stage by concentrating the provincial urban construction brigade and other building forces on it.

The officials in charge of on-site guidance give primary importance to technical guidance for ensuring high quality of construction, while encouraging the builders through offensive agitation.

Jagang Province and Ryanggang Province, too, dynamically step up the construction of Kanggye University of Education and Hyesan Teachers Training College respectively.

The leading officials of the provinces frequently go down to the construction sites to solve the problems arising in construction and ensure that the high enthusiasm of builders leads to great progress in construction. Meanwhile, the builders themselves are putting efforts to ensuring quality of construction to hand down the structures which will remain flawless even in far future.

Thanks to the high enthusiasm of leading officials and builders, tangible progress is being made in all construction sites of teachers training colleges and universities of education.