Scientific Research
Total posts: 151

Experience in Integration of Education, Scientific Research and Production
The Faculty of Physics, Kim Il Sung University, which is well-known as a weighty research team and a unit with many excellent talents, has stepped up its effort to develop itself into a research-oriented faculty which integrates education, scientific research and production, and thereby has gained valuable experience conducive to the work of other universities.

Active Creation of Designs
Pyongyang University of Publishing and Printing Industry is raising strong hot wind of creating industrial designs through integration of education, scientific research and production.

With a collective wisdom
The researchers of Huichon University of Technology are putting spurs to the development of cutting-edge technological products with a collective wisdom. Thanks to their strenuous efforts, a lot of successes are being achieved in the research work.

Lecturers and researchers of Kim Il Sung University who are devoting themselves to the scientific research propelling the country’s chemical and industrial development

The 10th National Exhibition on University Scientific Research Achievement was held
The 10th National Exhibition on University Scientific Research Achievement was held from November 19 to 22, 2019 at Sci-Tech Complex.